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Treecide Party


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While the day is not ideal for most, Kat and I both have off 6/21 (Sunday), as do our local buddies, who offered assistance and a chainsaw. As a result of this, we will be hacking up super tree limb, so we can get part of our yard back, and fix the fence shortly after.


It's also Father's Day, so if you guys are busy, it's cool. We just confirmed the local availability yesterday. I'll be rocking like a champ all weekend anyways, so prior to tree slaughter, you'll either find me on Live, or I'll be finishing Ocarina of Time, so my cousin can borrow it. :yar:


I'll hit some of you Buff heads up with a link here to see if you want to roll over, no pressure either way really, as we are gonna fuck that branch up either way, so long as weather permits. :P


It is very likely that we will burn some of our labor up Sunday night. We already have some friends planning and able to help with tree cutting, so I'm not just recruiting you all for labor. :ninjawub:


I'm attaching smaller pics from the thread Kat made about Tree Smiting, so you can see the enemy beforehand and prepare for battle, and the fire that will follow. ;)


As normal these days, I have off that Monday too. Power B-day Weekend Tree Slaying. :viking:


If you do want to head out, come out after-ish 4 to 6PM, as we should have a good bit of shit done by then, and since it's my B-day weekend, I'll certainly be hungry to party by then. I don't work the next day, so I will be gearing to throw down. :roflmayo:




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  • 2 weeks later...

Weather looks to be slangin quite a bit of rain. It may be nicer by Sunday, but we shall see. I start a 4-day weekend tomorrow, so buzz or msg me up if you are still down to come over. I should have the Guest room nearly finished tomorrow. :smurfy:


In case you were wondering, the dead branch is very much less green and more orange leaves now. :P

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  • 3 months later...

Bump in the name of Tree Success. Popps n Law came to visit with his chainsaw and the oak was slain. As he just married the other weekend, we also inherited a riding mower, as his Wifey already has one. Huzzah and Yay to not push mowing our yard anymore.


I shall enjoy the last few mows of the season, and shall be ready for next season. :frl:

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