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Catchup Season

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I am giving a look at some stuff I missed in the last 1.5 years, and one of them are the Magian weapons. Wiki Page for Magian Weapons.


More info here.


Accuracy Taipan Claws, you start off with the standard "Kill 50 skeletons under the effects of any weather," then progress to 50 Goobbues in light-aligned weather, then 50 of anything in Thunder/on Lightningsday, then 75 beasts in Thunder/on Lightningsday, then 100 Aquans, 200 Soulflayers, 200 Arcana, and finally 250 Funguar under Thunder weather or on Lightningsday.


The WS trials will give you a weapon that boosts the damage of that specific WS. For instance, you can get a pair of knuckles which do an additional 10% damage with Dragon Kick. They're D+22, so not terrible, but certainly nothing to get excited about. The trials are pretty easy, though, if you're desperate for a new weapon.


Mnk weapons are my Primary concern. The 1st level of it is Pugilists. Each of the Trials requires you kill x amount of NMs, later followed by a large amount of XP giving Mobs. Some of the NMs can also be found in Nyzul Isle.


I also made the mistake of not having the Trial inscribed on it via trading them to the Moogle, so I killed the 1st NM 3 times in vein. Luckily, checking on how many NMs and other mobs you need to kill, the upgrade path is a pretty excessive. Sticking with my Wagh Baghnakhs as they have insane latent effects, considering all I need is < than 100 TP for it to be active.


Voidwalker NMs are new mob fights you can trigger in Jeuno.


As for the 3 mini-expansions, their missions are located below:

A Crystalline Prophecy

A Moogle Kupo d'Etat

A Shantotto Ascension


There is also a Mog Satchel. Looks handy indeed. ;) Too bad it looks like you need the security token / RSA device linked to your account to access the Satchel. Boo. The device is $9.99 and comes with the Satchel option, that scales to your Gobbiebag / Inventory slots. Accessible even when out adventuring. Guide on how to setup your Security token. Too bad the PoL viewer says these things are all sold out. :lol:


Also, there are the Nyzul Isle weapons.:

More in next post.

Edited by Pic0o
Mythic / Myriad Weapons
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I'll update this thread with various new stuffs. Going to grab the Ultimate collection for 360 and PC, as they have the 3 mini-expansions included.


For returning folks, Peep this overview thread. New stuffs to do and what not. Granted, it's from July '09.


When I left last, ZNM's were the new stuff. Along with Nyzul Weapons:

Ahh, these were just starting up when I was last playing, now it seems the upgrade paths are accessible, just time consuming. :lol: Core weapons drop from Nyzul Isle. Those areas were fun and insane. Wiki @ FFXICyclopedia page for Mythic / Myriad Weapons.



http://wiki.ffxiclopedia.org/wiki/ = Soooo Guuuuuuud.


Also, for anyone grabbing the Ultimate Collection, you will find the Reg code in the back of the manual for Xbox 360, and for PC your code will be on the tan Quick Manual. In the PC version, you get a 2nd CD, with the actual manual in PDF form.


Abyssea areas are now available.

Entering Port Jeuno with a character level 30 or above will trigger an event scene, after which players will receive their first mission offer along with a "traverser stone" key item required to journey to Abyssea.

New Limit Break quest for Level 80 cap:

Items Needed:

Kindred's Seal x5, 3 stored Merit Points.


Oh, shit. The Outpost Warp dood moved to Bastok Markets. I kinda remember this change from last time. :lol:

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  • 2 months later...

Been mashin the shit outta XP on Bard. Got 85 around 6pm, then got a bunch of merits to upgrade my stats ;) Might get another PT tonight, still up in the air ;p


Wiki Guide for Graphics. I was playing last night and my performance with an Alliance of LS friends was awful. Tweaking mass settings FTW. Oversampling is the best way to make final look super pretty. :)

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  • 2 months later...

The 3rd of the Abyssea expansions is due to release soon, as you can pre-order Heroes of Abyssea.


With this expansion the level Cap goes to 90, jobs will get skills or spells to go along with the XP up, and AF Body pieces will be available.


I haven't been on XI in a bit, so I'm patching up from yesterday's update and poking around a bit.

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  • 2 weeks later...

The Dec Patch has hit and details are on the PoL Site.


The maximum number of merit points a character can accumulate has been raised from 10 to 20.

Thank the Gods. It was getting silly how fast you had capped merits, when doing events and such.


The "Mog Sack" submenu has been added to the "View House" menu.

The "Mog Sack" is a new form of storage in the spirit of the existing Mog Satchel. It is accessible from anywhere on Vana'diel and allows players to freely interchange items with their standard inventory. Possessing the same storage capacity as the player's gobbiebag, it can be expanded to a maximum of 80 slots through quest completion.


The Mog Sack may be obtained for 9,980 gil from one of the "Artisan Moogle" NPCs stationed in the areas below (prior ownership of a Mog Satchel is not required for purchase). In the event that your gobbiebag increases in capacity after purchasing your mog sack, you may speak with an Artisan Moogle to have your mog sack expanded free of charge. Furthermore, Artisan Moogles will present adventurers with a scroll of "Instant Warp" once per day (Earth time).


/random. My prior shell got all crazy, and my IRL crew and most of the shell split off into The Expendables. Booting up to rep my crew tonight, if patch download doesn't take all night. :P


I'm taking a Camp / Farm break. Bard in an Abyssea grind LS session is like 10 times more boring than XP'ing, because LS people CRUSH the shit out of mobs and I'm all but useless. I may hop on to do that Subjob leveling and shit I have been talking about. Canceled my account so I don't get renewed for Jan, unless I am like 'Holy Shit' and start playing frequently again.


Level Cap from 90 to 95 is:

Dormant Powers Dislodged. I still need a merit and 2k before I do previous one. I shall be down with DPD! :afro:


Also can get nice H2H weapon from Dominion Notes. Savate Fists in Heroes zones.

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