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Doom III


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Rumor be that ID is Flagging the game @ 60FPS.


"The game tic simulation, including player movement, runs at 60hz, so if it rendered any faster, it would just be rendering identical frames. A fixed tic rate removes issues like Quake 3 had, where some jumps could only be made at certain framerates. In Doom, the same player inputs will produce the same motions, no matter what the framerate is."
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The first thing we realised was like: 'Damn, people are hard to kill in Doom 3 multiplayer. Why is that?' And we looked at the damage values, the hitpoints, the armour, but eventually we realised - we're just missing. We're lousy shots."



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  • 3 months later...

Whats the latest rumour about a release date? and does anyone know why its been pushed back so ridiculously far? Sorry, i know its a bit of a noob question, but I've been outta the loop awhile, and haven't heard shiite about DOOM 3 lately, or Quake 4 for that matter, is Carmack losing it?

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