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Unreal tournament 2004 review


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:ninjawub: 9.2/10


Sound: 9/10


The sounds are great, Auto taunt is annoying but besides that, having music for each map is awsome and so is a unique voice for each creature/human


Gameplay: 10/10


The controls are awsome, The dodging is truely diffrent. As for the guns, there tricky and not like other games.


Graphics: 8/10


The Graphics are ran from unreal tournament 2003 engine wich is kinda lame.


Lasting gameplay: 9.5/10

The game is a keeper, It brings longlasting funness =). The guns are so diffrent that is almost impossable to master any of them. The mp is huge so there is awalys a server that you can play and the diffrent game modes are awsome

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